Previews for the 3/29 Second Chance Restock at 1pm EDST

preview restock

***PLEASE NOTE: this restock is only for people who have not made a direct retail purchase from bijoukitty during the calendar year 2020. If you are not eligible for this restock, your order will be cancelled***


On Sunday, 3/29 at 1pm EDST, I will list the following plushies:

3 Large Woodrose BBs with Liberty Mystery Star Eye Patch $175

1 Large Brownie Butter Bunny with Red Star Eye Patch $165

2 Traditional Sunshine Kitsune $150

1 Large Frosted Candy Pink Butter Bunny $150

1 Traditional Animal Print Kitty with Pink Heart Patch $150

3 Regular 11" Cloud Seal Cake Pop Bunnies (Weighted) $135

2 Regular 9" Tan Cuddle Weave Cake Pop Puppies (Weighted) $125



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